Tuesday 12 May 2015

Google Being Forced to Reveal Its “Secret Search Algorithm” – The Heart of Google

Google’s secret search algorithm, the heart of Google, may not be a secret anymore. A law is under consideration in France that would force the search engine giant to reveal its most secret treasure- Google’s search algorithm. This would be one of the toughest supervisory over the internet company. The Financial Times has reported that the French government is passing a law in the French senate that could possibly force Google to publish the details of the method it uses to rank websites and show search results.
It is most likely that France will be passing this law this week and it will give rights to the national telecom regulator to keep an eye on Google’s search algorithm. It should be kept in mind that recently the Wall Street Journal published a report that lashed harsh allegations of FTC’s incompetence to trial Google for its unfair search algorithm.
According to a study, Google handles more than 90% of searches in Europe which is greater than its 68% share in the America.
Catherine Morin-Desailly, chair of the Senate’s culture, education and communication committee said: “The government is well aware of the issues. It’s a question of ensuring fairness. Too many businesses view search engines as bottlenecks. The net is tightening around [Google].”
On the other hand, the European Union has been harsher towards Google and is going to accuse the search engine of illegally favoring its own services. This move could harm Google big time and Google, obviously, isn’t happy.
A spokesperson for Google said:
Revealing our algorithms — our intellectual property — would lead to the gaming of our results, which would be a bad experience for users.
FT writes that this move should be seen as a part of growing bitterness for Silicon Valley in the European Union. In the past, American technology companies have faced charges due to tax theft, unfair business tactics and more. One of the most interesting cases was the “right to be forgotten” that required Google to provide a choice to the users to be forgotten.
Google’s search engine algorithm is the heart of Google and it will surely find a way to dodge this law. This algorithm is the key to its dominance and power. It is unclear how Google will react to this regulation in France. As the lost resort, Google could scrap its services from France the way it did in Spain last year as a result of some regulations.
Is Google going to reveal its search algorithm? Tell us in comments!

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